Laws and Punishments

Citizens are expected to follow the following laws and must accept punishments within two months since the law was broken. If a citizen does not accept his/her punishment, the citizen will be forced to leave Bush Marsh for the safety of the community.

1. One must not be envious of another habitant of the community
Punishment: Extra work (to be decided by the leaders) to be performed in the community to aid citizens.

2. One must not steal another's property
Punishment: Five months in The Cave

3. One must not kill another citizen
Punishment: Forced to leave community

4. One must respect the elderly
Punishment: Twenty-one days in The Cave

5. One must not discriminate against other citizens
Punishment: Forty-two days in The Cave

6. One must not lie
Punishment: Extra work (to be decided by the leaders) to be performed in the community to aid citizens.

7. One must complete the required tasks to help the community every two weeks
Punishment:Two days in The Cave, must complete all required tasks in the following week, with an addition of two more tasks as a punishment for the incompletion of the first six.

8. One must not tease or bully other citizens
Punishment: Fourteen days in The Cave (first day with no food; but limited water)

9. One must not physically (or mentally) abuse any citizen or animal
Punishment: Seven years in The Cave

10. One must respect the property of other citizens and the community itself (no vandalism, harm, etc.)
Punishment: 5 months in The Cave

The Cave: The prison of Bush Marsh. It is simply a damp, rock cave isolated in the middle of Bush Marsh.

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